UTS:Health Doctor given prestigious appointment at World Naturopathic Federation
Dr Wardle from the Australian Research Centre for Complementary and Integrative Medicine (ARCCIM) was appointed the Secretary-General of the World Naturopathic Federation (WNF) at its recent annual general meeting in Stuttgart, Germany. The WNF is the peak international federation representing the profession of naturopathic medicine at a global level.
The WNF is currently in the process of establishing formal relations with the World Health Organization, and has newly signed an agreement with WHO to develop international benchmarks and standards for naturopathic practice as part of WHO’s Traditional Medicine strategy initiatives.
“The World Naturopathic Federation is an important step for the global professional development of naturopathy, and it is great to be so directly involved in this process” said Dr Wardle. “The World Health Organization and national governments internationally are paying increasing attention to the potential role naturopathy can play in addressing public health priorities, and as both a practitioner and a researcher in this area I am excited at the opportunities this role can bring.”