Leading the way in health and medical sciences research
The Australian’s 2020 Research Report has revealed Australia’s leading researchers in the health and medical sciences.
There are 66 different fields in the health and medical sciences discipline and only one researcher in Australia was selected for each.
Over the last five years, these top researchers have had the highest number of citations in papers for their respective fields, published in top 20 journals.
Congratulations to Professor Debra Jackson from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, who is the lead researcher in the field of Nursing, Distinguished Professor Jon Adams from the School of Public Health, who is the lead researcher in the field of Alternative & Traditional Medicine, and Professor David Currow from IMPACCT, who is the lead researcher in the field of Hospice & Palliative Care.
Distinguished Professor Caroline Homer from the School of Nursing and Midwifery was not only recognised as the leading researcher in the field of Pregnancy & Childbirth in Australia, but also globally. There are no other researchers in the world in this field, with a higher number of citations from papers published in the last five years in the 20 top journals.
As a midwife, I wanted to make a difference to all women, not just one woman at a time.
Distinguished Professor Caroline Homer
Distinguished Professor Homer told the Australian, “As a midwife, I wanted to make a difference to all women, not just one woman at a time, so that’s the research endeavour. The opportunity to influence more broadly, both at an educational level and other systems level, was incredibly inspiring, and what I wanted to do for the rest of my career.”
Read the full report at The Australian - Research special reports website. (opens external site)