Endeavour College to fund 3 year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at UTS: ARCCIM
The Australian Research Centre in Complementary and Integrative Medicine (UTS: ARCCIM) has partnered with Endeavour College of Natural Health in an exciting collaboration that will see Endeavour College fund a 3 year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship appointment at UTS: ARCCIM.
The partnership will drive a broad program of research and research capacity building activities to advance scientific enquiry around this popular area of treatment and practice.
Director of ARCCIM, Professor Jon Adams, says: “We are extremely proud to be partnering with Endeavour College in the pursuit of research excellence and capacity building regarding complementary medicine. What we’re doing is bringing together the leading national research-intensive University Centre in critical complementary medicine research and the largest natural health educator in the Southern hemisphere to address key research questions relating to the place and role of complementary medicine in contemporary health care.
“The partnership provides ARCCIM with extensive resources to expand our world-leading research and our research team is now the largest in Australia focused upon complementary medicine. It will allow us to continue attracting the best in the complementary medicine sector via critical, robust research of direct relevance to practice and patients.”