Our wide range of advanced printing technologies and available materials allow us to support all manner of prototyping and manufacturing projects. Get a glimpse of what ProtoSpace can offer...

Our Approach to 3D Printing
We house the most advance additive manufacturing technologies, from the highest quality FFF printers, colour polyjet machines, powder-based Multijet Fusion systems to Structured Light 3D scanners and. The range of commercial and beta-mode 3D printers are constantly evolving. Our facility currently includes:
Technologies at ProtoSpace
Markforged Metal X
Our Ultimo campus boasts of a Markforged Metal X printer, and we're looking forward to a Selective Laser Melting and Direct Energy
HP Jet Fusion 5200
Our HP Jet Fusion prints with nylon powder and can produce multibody assemblies and highly detailed parts.
Stratasys J750 Polyjet
A versatile technology capable of producing plastic components in multiple colours, stiffnesses and multiple textures.
3D Scanning
3D scanners allow for the reverse engineering, repair and reproduction of complex parts.
SLA / Stereolithography
Stereolithography 3D printers print parts upside down, using a laser the machines solidify liquid resin into solid plastic.
Stratasys FDM
Fused Deposition Modelling/Fused Filament Fabrication printers offer a range of materials from ASA, TPU to carbon infused nylon.