New research suggests that there is a greater benefit in combining a green roof and a solar roof to create biosolar systems.

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An innovative and promising study on the benefits of biosolar roofs was conducted by a team of researchers that included the University of Technology Sydney (UTS)’s DR Peter Irga – ARC DECRA Fellow and Lecturer in Air and Noise Pollution and Robert Fleck – UTS research scientist School of Life Sciences.
Considering challenges such as heat, limited space, biodiversity loss, and reduced solar panel efficiency, this research adds to the growing body of evidence that reveals the issues facing solar panels in urban infrastructure. Introducing biosolar systems could have a more transformative impact on urban sustainability by simultaneously addressing these interconnected challenges.
The study reveals that some of the key benefits of biosolar green roofs include creating urban ecosystems that contribute to local biodiversity conversation; moderating rooftop temperatures; maintaining solar panel efficiency; increasing solar generation to impact overall energy production; and creating a beneficial synergy between green roofs and solar panels for energy efficiency and sustainability