UTS Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building is proud to recognise the achievements of Olivia O'Rourke, announced as a recipient of a prestigious AIS Education Scholarship.
As well as studying a Bachelor of Construction Project Management with UTS, Olivia is getting high marks in the pool – as a international representative for Australia in diving.
The AIS Education Scholarship is significant in allowing me to pursue a career outside of my athletic capabilities. This scholarship supports my passion within the construction industry whilst still allowing me to continue and maintain a career in diving.
– Olivia O'Rourke, AIS Education Scholarship recipient
The AIS scholarships are funded with support from the John and Myriam Wylie Foundation. Mr Wylie, former Chair of the Australian Sports Commission, said “Every athlete receiving one of these grants has talents beyond the sporting arena. … Sporting success doesn’t have to be at the sacrifice of other ambitions, especially education and career pathways. If we can encourage more athletes to engage with education at the start of their sporting careers, we’ll no doubt have more successful leaders emerging from sport and into their communities.”
Congratulations to Olivia from all at UTS. We look forward to more success for her, both in the pool and within the construction industry.