2SER is bringing back the family for Radiothon 2022!

Did you volunteer at 2SER while you were on campus at UTS? Were/are you a loyal listener?
After years of COVID restrictions, 2SER is getting back into the studios for Radiothon – 2SER's biggest revenue raiser for the year – and they’re getting the family together in person!
From Oct 7 to 21 the 2SER campus radio station at UTS and Macquarie will take a break from regular programming to celebrate everything that makes 2SER great - the music, the talks and, most importantly, the 2SER family!
A highlight of Radiothon this year is 6pm– 8pm weeknights where an array of 2SER family members will be coming into the studios live to play some tunes, talk 2SER and above all else, have some fun!
Former 2SER presenter Robbie Buck is coming back to present, and so is Tracee Hutchison who will share the mike with UTS FASS's own pop music cultural specialist Dr Liz Giuffre. Sydney City Councillor, author, curator and former UTS student Jess Scully will run the desk with 2SER's resident legend Program Director Anthony Dockrill.
On the musical front Jodie Phillis of The Clouds, Peter “Blackie” Black from the Hard Ons and Bruno Brayovic of Peabody and Buddy Glass are also coming in to play some tunes and chat. Plus comedian and actor Nina Oyama and a host of others will be spending an evening live in the 2SER studios between 6 and 8pm!
Radiothon 2022 wraps up with another 2SER family member, DJ Soup, doing a huge party mix from 6 – 10pm on Friday 21 October.
Under the theme of We Are Family, 2SER is asking everyone to become financial subscribers or to donate.
2SER Breakfast presenter and UTS Media Arts Production alum, Danny Chifley, says; ”Subscribers and donors are so important for the station - they help us maintain our independence and provide us with some stability in an ever-shifting cultural and economic environment. When sponsorship of events abruptly evaporated at the start of the pandemic, our subscribers helped us stay afloat. When lightning struck our antenna three years ago, our donors got us right back on air. So we love our family and we’re really excited to be reconnecting again."
Someone say Prizes?
Anyone who subscribes during Radiothon goes into the draw for incredible prizes including a vintage turntable and record voucher from Egg Records, Newtown or a Complete Studio Kit from RØDE that contains everything you need to make professional, studio-quality recordings at home. There’s also small business subscriber prizes including an Atomic Brewery Dinner and Drinks for 10 people. “And donations are completely tax deductible cos we’re a registered charity,” says Danny…. “This was a spot for a joke but dammit I just want people to subscribe or donate to 2SER, so between 7 and 21 October call 9514 9500 or get online at 2ser.com and join the family!”
2SER and UTS have been family for over 40 years, and together we've also become the proud parents, grandparents and fairygodparents to a wonderful group of current and former students. From musicians to broadcasters, politicians to policy makers, we've helped to educate and entertain, in and beyond Sydney - and we've very proud to keep growing the village alongside our community.
Dr Liz Giuffre, Senior Lecturer in Communication, UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
2SER RADIOTHON 2022 - We Are Family
Listen to 107.3, DAB+ or Streaming via 2ser.com
LISTEN TO Radiothon OCT 7 - 21 2022 - from 6 - 8 PM special presenters include:
FRI 7: Cameron Menegoni, Lo Carmen, & Sam Worrad (Holy Soul)
MON 11: Robbie Buck & Christine Gallagher
TUE 11: Jodi Phillis (The Clouds) & Cameron Woods
WED 12: Jess Scully (City Of Sydney Councillor) & Anthony Dockrill
THU 13: Elise Potaka
FRI 14: Peter 'Blackie' Black (Hard-Ons)
MON 17: Nina Oyama & Willy Russo
TUE 18: Annamarie Reyes & Helen Wolfendern
WED 19: Bruno Brayovic (Peabody, Buddy Glass)
THU 20: Liz Giuffre & Tracee Hutchison
FRI 21: DJ Soups Closing Party (til 10pm)
And from the archive... “Hawkie says vote 2SER!" Radiothons have kept us going and as part of the 40 years of 2SER celebrations we were able to digitise some of old tapes – including some old Radiothon sounds. Some of these haven’t been heard for decades – so be kind – but also we love the passion – thanks so much to all who have and continue to support us – and for practical assistance from Studios 301 and the Australian Centre for Public History. Catch some Radiothon ’91 choice cuts here.