Name Sort descending | Positions | |
Ainsworth, Adam |
Customer Support Officer, Faculty of Science |
Allchin, Scott |
Technical Systems and Operations Coordinator, Technical Services |
Alsaif, Linah |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Alvaro, Claudia |
Contractor, The Kidman Centre |
Asplet, Rosie |
Laboratory Assistant, Technical Services |
Balciauskaite, Julia |
Teaching & Learning Quality Coordinator, Faculty of Science |
Bartels, Natasha |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Bascos, Catherine |
Project Coordinator, Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection |
Bazzi, Rana |
Technical Officer, Technical Services Teaching |
Bennar, Lucia |
Assistant Technical Officer, Climate Change Cluster |
Bodenes, Pierre |
Product Development Scientist, Climate Change Cluster |
Boot, Brendon |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Boote, Chloe |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Bouzo, Daniel |
Business Development Manager, Faculty of Science |
Bridge, Samara |
Student Mentor, Faculty of Science |
Brown, Mark |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Bryant, Ciara |
Research Assistant, Faculty of Science |
Cabral, Lisa |
Lead Teacher, Faculty of Science |
Campos Diocaretz, Bernardo |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Carbia-Kolevski, Nel |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
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Cavaliere, Rosy
I am a Cochlear Pty Ltd Fellow working at the ithree institute (infection, immunity and innovation) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Cochlear Manager, Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection |
Chan, Roanna |
Clinical Psychologist, The Kidman Centre |
Chan, Jackie |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Colling, Alana |
Contractor, Climate Change Cluster |
Coutts-Smith, Jahne |
Administrative Assistant, The Kidman Centre |
Cutajar, Elizabeth |
Executive Assistant, Faculty of Science |
da Roza, Patrick |
Contractor, Climate Change Cluster |
Danaee, Soroosh |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
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Dedousis-Wallace, Anna
Anna has extensive experience working with adolescents, their parents and teachers, both on the front line as a high school teacher in outback and metropolitan of Australia and in her roles as a…
Clinical and Research Psychologist, The Kidman Centre |
Dey, Saikat |
Research Coordinator, Faculty of Science |
Dobson, Thomas |
Customer Support Officer, Faculty of Science |
Dong, Charlotte |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Doughty, Phillip |
Technical Coordinator (Research), Climate Change Cluster |
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Drysdale, Sophia
Dr Sophia Drysdale BSc(Hons), DClinPsych, PhD Sophia is a clinical psychologist, supervisor and researcher at The Kidman Centre, University of Technology Sydney. She has a background in child and…
Clinical Psychologist, The Kidman Centre |
Duncan Brebach, Sylvie |
Administrative Assistant, Faculty of Science |
Elardo, Audrey Margaux |
Project Support, Faculty of Science |
Elfes, Toula |
Executive Assistant, Faculty of Science |
Field, Natisha |
Student Mentor, Faculty of Science |
Fineran, Emma |
Research Communications Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Finlay Melville, Dante |
Administrative Officer, Faculty of Science |
Fitzsimmons, Dylan |
Contractor, Climate Change Cluster |
Flores, Kristine |
BIF Technical Coordinator, Faculty of Science |
Furqan, Muhammad |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Gatus, Mark |
Senior Health & Safety Specialist (Chemical Safety), Faculty of Science |
Gerace, Dario |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Ghavamian, Sara |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Gillette, Gemma |
Project Coordinator, Climate Change Cluster |
Grosser, Mark |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
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Groth, Andrew |
Head of Industry and Research Partnership, Faculty of Science |
GUO, Hellinna |
External Engagement Officer, Faculty of Science |
Gupta, SUSHIL |
BIF Manager, Faculty of Science |
Ha, Kiefe |
Laboratory Assistant, Technical Services |
Hain, Simone |
Project Manager, The Kidman Centre |
Hampton, John |
Stores Officer, Technical Services |
Hanan, Paris |
Assistant Technical Officer, Climate Change Cluster |
Harcombe, Sami |
Faculty Events Coordinator, Faculty of Science |
Harkness, MIchelle |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
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Harry, Liz
Liz Harry is Professor of Biology and Director of the ithree institute (infection, immunology and innovation) at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Liz obtained her PhD in Biochemistry from…
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science |
Henry, Fiona |
Governance and Records Manager, Faculty of Science |
Hinkley, Cora |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Ho, Grace |
Academic Programs Officer, Faculty of Science |
Horan, Nick |
Senior Research Assistant, Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection |
Houston, Sarah |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Irvine, Andrew |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Jackson, Toby |
Faculty Technical Resources Manager, Faculty of Science |
Johnson, Adam |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Joshi, Amar |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Kabalan, James |
Student Mentor, Faculty of Science |
Kendall, Daniel |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Kim, Mikael |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Kucinskas, Marnie |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Kumar, Kamaldeep |
Customer Support Officer, Faculty of Science |
Labara Tirado, Joan |
Student Mentor, Faculty of Science |
Laing, Jess |
Technical Officer, Technical Services Teaching |
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Lapshina, Taya |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Lesmana, David |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Leung, Meggie |
Research Officer, Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection |
Leung, Mun |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Levayer, Manon |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
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Li, Terence |
Institute Administration Officer, Climate Change Cluster |
Li, Dmitriy |
Research Assistant, Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection |
Lo, Allen |
Assistant Technical Officer, Climate Change Cluster |
Locke, Warwick |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Lovrecz, George |
BIF Advisor, Faculty of Science |
Lu, Xiaobin |
Contractor, Climate Change Cluster |
Ly, Jonathan |
Research Administration Officer, Faculty of Science |
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Malecki, Andrew |
Technical Services Manager (Technical Ops & Infrastructure), Faculty of Science |
Malicki, Sylvia |
Executive Officer, Faculty of Science |
Maoudis, Chrys |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Mastrogiovanni, Natalie |
Contractor, The Kidman Centre |
McCracken, Penny |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
McGuire, Shelley |
HDR Programs Officer, Faculty of Science |
Moeln, Soph-ea |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Monahan, Leigh
Dr Leigh Monahan has over ten years of research experience in microbiology and molecular biology. His work has focused on fundamental aspects of bacterial physiology, as well understanding how…
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
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Mondal, Anjon
Dr. Mondal received his BSc (Hons) and MSc from the Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. After that he joined in an active pharmaceuticals…
Assistant Technical Officer, Climate Change Cluster |
Mosahebi, Samir |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Mruk, Alexandra |
Contractor, The Kidman Centre |
Mulvey, Sarah |
Senior Operations Manager, Faculty of Science |
Murphy, Michael |
Institute Manager, Climate Change Cluster |
Mylovanova, Olena |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Naik, Surabhi |
Research Development Coordinator, Technical Services |
Nakazato, Reiko |
Laboratory Assistant, Technical Services |
Nguyen, Roxanne |
Student Promotional Representative, Faculty of Science |
Nikappil Sudarsanapanicker, Deepa Panicker |
Sequencing Facility Manager, Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection |
Norton, Lauren |
Research Development Manager, Faculty of Science |
O'Sullivan, Tess |
External Engagement Assistant, Faculty of Science |
Octavia, Sophie |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Olander, Axel |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Pang, Angel |
Research Officer, Climate Change Cluster |
Peterson, Elizabeth |
Research Assistant, Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection |
Pham, Chi |
BIF Technical Officer, Faculty of Science |
Pham, Le Long |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Phelan, Nicole |
Research Project Officer, Climate Change Cluster |
Popovic, Emilija |
Defence Innovation Network Administration Officer, Faculty of Science |
Putting, Aaron |
Contractor, Climate Change Cluster |
Ravi, Nandhini |
Assistant Technical Officer, Climate Change Cluster |
Rickards, David |
BIF Manager, Faculty of Science |
Ringbauer, Alix |
Contractor, The Kidman Centre |
Sahakari, Aabha |
BIF Technical Officer, Faculty of Science |
Seaton, Charlie |
Student Promotional Representative, Climate Change Cluster |
Shackel, Laura |
Social Media & Digital Assistant, Faculty of Science |
Shelley, Julia |
International Development Manager, Faculty of Science |
Shiohara, Amane |
Faculty Business Development Officer, Faculty of Science |
Shrestha, Jesus |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
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Smith, Mark |
Client Computing Manager, Faculty of Science |
Soilemezidis, Liz |
Faculty General Manager, Faculty of Science |
Song, Ella |
Academic Programs and Curricula Manager, Faculty of Science |
Sparkes, Michaela |
Curriculum and Quality Coordinator, Faculty of Science |
Tan, Keely |
Project Officer (Labcup), Faculty of Science |
Tevz, Gregor |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
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Thomson, Alexandra
I am the Manager of the Deep Green Biotech Hub, and a Subject Coordinator and Lecturer in the School of Life Sciences. With experience working in marine ecology research, tertiary teaching, project…
Industry Engagement Manager, Faculty of Science |
Tierney, Justin |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
To, Joyce |
Senior Research Assistant, Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection |
Valenzuela, Michael |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
van den Akker, Sebastian |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Vanska, Tereza |
Contractor, Climate Change Cluster |
Vo, Hieu Nghi |
General Assistant, Technical Services |
Wannenburg, Liz |
Institute Manager (AIMI) (on leave), Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection |
Watterson, Gabrielle |
Academic Programs and Curricula Manager, Faculty of Science |
Wetherill, Anthony |
Contractor, The Kidman Centre |
Whelan, Jessica |
Clinic Coordinator, The Kidman Centre |
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Winarta, Herni
An Academic Program Officer at the Faculty of Science, UTS. I have professional experience in the area of expertise in managing Faculty administration, Faculty finance, budgeting, financial reporting…
Academic Programs Officer, Faculty of Science |
Windhagauer, Matthias |
Research Assistant, Climate Change Cluster |
Wong, Silvia |
Contractor, Faculty of Science |
Zanuttini, Nikki |
Casual Academic, Faculty of Science |
Zhang, Kaiyan |
Faculty Partnerships Officer, Faculty of Science |
Zhong, Vincent |
Laboratory Assistant, Faculty of Science |