In October, the first cohort of Master of Engineering Management (MEM) students under the partnership between UTS and the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) graduated.

The program provided students with real-world opportunities to connect with industry contacts, engage in practical experience, and learn crucial skills for becoming industry leaders.
”I met many professionals in the engineering industry through this course--for instance, electrical engineering, building servicing, and civil engineering. I learned a lot from their expertise while we were in group works and projects in MEM. MEM provided me with the latest tools and software to enhance my decision-making skills that are very important for my professional development and applicable for different engineering industries. Apart from that, leadership training equipped me to be ready for a management role in the future.“ - Chun Kong Chui, Graduate, MEM
This cohort is the culmination of years of partnership between UTS and THEi and we are very proud of their accomplishments—especially throughout the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We’re very excited and proud of our first cohort of MEM Hong Kong graduates! It’s been fantastic seeing the program kickstart, and co-teaching with the team at THEi in blended learning throughout COVID-19. Congratulations to all of our grads and we look forward to hearing about your career journeys as alumni!” - Eva Cheng, Program Coordinator, Master of Engineering Management (Hong Kong)