On 3 March, 2022, UTS officially welcomed the new Indonesian Australian Award Scholarship recipients.

Awardees completed their first year of studies at the University of Brawijaya (UB) in Indonesia before starting the prestigious Split-Site Master’s Scholarship Program at the UTS Faculty of Engineering and IT. After applying for the scholarships in 2020, it was a two-year long journey for students to finally arrive in Sydney. At the end of the program, awardees will receive a dual master’s degree in Civil and Water Engineering—including a magister degree from UB and a master’s degree from UTS. The Australian Award Scholarship program is administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and sponsored by Australian Awards Indonesia (AAI) and the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) Indonesia. This opportunity responds to the Government of Indonesia’s need for engineers and workforce professional development.
“I am truly dazed by how fantastic UTS is. It has a lot of facilities. The staff is super welcoming. UTS has an atmosphere that enables students to push their limits. I adore it. Sydney is the best city I have ever visited. The public facilities are full-fledged, especially parks, public transportation, and city landmarks.” – Devy Risky Panji Wijaya
Congratulations to the awardees:
- Bayu Alif Hardiyansyah
- Bachtiar Malthus Hutagaol
- Muhammad Syaifun Nizar
- Panji Anom Nuariman
- David Emir Hansen Pasaribu
- Ginanjar Adhi Putra
- Devy Risky Panji Wijaya
All seven students were among some of the first international students to re-enter the country since the reopening of Australian borders previously closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They spent their first few weeks in Australia acquainting themselves with UTS and everything that Sydney has to offer.
UTS is proud to host this cohort of Australian Award Scholarship recipients. The skills and connections they will build during their time at UTS will certainly prepare them for a bright future in engineering and enable them to give back to their communities in Indonesia.
“I hope that I would use my skills and knowledge to improve the awareness of the importance of water conditions in my country, Indonesia, especially at the village level as I am working for the Ministry of Village. If my research provides favourable results, then it could be used as a reference to determine two parameters of water quality in Indonesia.” – Devy Risky Panji Wijaya

Split-Site Master’s Cohort with UTS FEIT and Australia Award Scholarship staff