Energy efficiency and sustainability are major issues in today’s economically challenged climate. They are particularly relevant to the energy hungry museum and gallery sector. Increasingly, museums and galleries are looking for ways to reduce their operating expenses and carbon footprint and improve their long-term sustainability by using appropriate technologies, products and systems. In developing this practical web-based guide, the goal was to assist museums and galleries to make informed decisions around viable, economically and environmentally sustainable methods of exhibition practice and collections care.
A Practical Guide for Sustainable Climate Control and Lighting in Museums and Galleries is informed by national and international theory and practice. It embodies the collective intellectual work and experience of leading professionals working in this field to assist the sector in moving towards sustainable lighting and environmental control systems and methodologies.
ISBN 978-0-646-93687-1
© 2015, Steensen Varming and International Conservation Services for M&G QLD and M&G NSW
Authors: Emrah Baki Ulas, Richard Crampton, Fiona Tennant, Julian Bickersteth

A Practical Guide for Sustainable Climate Control and Lighting in Museums and Galleries
Emrah Ulas