"There's literally tons of companies already that are using these robots as their main employees. Bury your head in the sand all you want, but ultimately, they're gonna replace us as well if we just ignore it, don't you reckon?"
"There's literally tons of companies already that are using these robots as their main employees. Bury your head in the sand all you want, but ultimately, they're gonna replace us as well if we just ignore it, don't you reckon?"
Hey Sam, have you heard of this Alphabot,
this new artificial intelligence
system that basically grows itself?
No, Adam. This stuff goes way beyond my head.
I'm not really interested.
But mate, think about it. You work all day every day, right?
There's literally tons of companies already that are using these robots as their
main employees. Bury your head in the sand all you want,
but ultimately, they're gonna replace us as well if we just ignore it,
don't you reckon?
I reckon you should get back to work and you shouldn't be focused on this.
Okay, alright. Good chat.
Calm down, getting angry will not help anything.
Oh, thank you for that wisdom!
I'm sorry that my anger management isn't as good as yours, okay?
Venting helps me, alright?
Anger is a useless emotion.
(Radio playing)
Hey, sweetheart.
What a day.
I am so tired.
There was this power outage at work today. I was working this project all morning.
Of course it wasn't fucking saving it as I went along and ended up losing.
like 3 hours, 'bout 4 hours work.
So annoying.
Oh, honey. I know, I know it's really annoying
and I can tell you're really angry.
Just think of it as a learning experience.
I know. I know. I know. And it's, it is all my fault. But then it's like,
no one else even reacts, no one else cares.
You're the only person who understands me. And you know what else? Sam really,
really piss me off. He starts lecturing me about,
how getting angry was useless and a waste of time. I swear,
He's a fucking robot.
No, no, darling. You're thinking too
much into this. He is a working machine.
I don't know, I was talking to him about this, this Alphabot thing.
But all he cares about is work. The man is void of any personality.
What Is Alphabot?
I've told you about this,
it's like an artificial neural network with deep learning capabilities.
I swear, before we know it, we're gonna all be replaced by machines.
Honestly, these things are way more powerful than anyone has ever comprehend
No, no, darling. You're
thinking too much into this.
And, are you saying that they'll be
able to smile as I do, like a human?
I remember a time when it was very
difficult to get you to smile.
Stop it, behave. I'll make us some tea.
Too good to me.
(Radio playing)
(Radio stops)
(Tense music plays)
What's going on, dear?
Come see this.
It's insane. It's like everything is...
What the...
Did you see that? It was everything, all the cars, all the lights, everything...
ADAM: The world stood still.
EVA: Don't worry. You've had a really long day, okay?
EVA: Don't worry about that.
ADAM: No, I'm not making this up. This...
ADAM: ...everything just started going again.
EVA: Darling? Just come with me.
You've had a big day.
How did you miss?
(Tense music plays)
Help me!
Eva. Baby!
Oh my god, baby.
Wake up! Eva!
Yes, Adam?
Jesus! You weren't breathing
No, um, darling? You just experienced a nightmare. All right?
That's all it was.
Do you need me to get you some sleeping pills, so you can rest tonight?
Oh, I'm just...
I'm just overtired...overworked
I thought I lost you!
(Radio playing)
Are you feeling any better, darling?
Yeah, I'm okay. I'm a bit tired, but it's just so strange.
How about I go clean our bedroom?
(Radio playing)
(Vacuum noise)
(Radio stops)
It's gone again.
(Door knocking)
Who is it?
Who's there?
MAN: Adam, it's time to go home.