Exam provisions can be identified in two ways:
- Students will notify their Accessibility Consultant who will send verification and request for implementation to each subject coordinator, for each faculty-based exam.
- Faculty staff can run reports via cass to obtain a list of students and their exam provisions for a subject.
To request access to the exam provisions report
- Log a service connect IT ticket for CASS role access form
- Add role: #EXAM.COMMENT
- The request will go to your manager for the first line of approval and then to SAU Exams for the second level approval.
To use the exam provisions report
- Go to the Reports tab in CASS and select: Exam Provisions (EXM029)
- Excel format is recommended
- Enter the relevant year, session and insert the subject number
- The report can be saved to Citrix and accessed locally.
Exam provisions report
The report provides a list of students and their exam provisions for the subject. Each provision is listed separately on each row and can be filtered to organise particular provisions in a way that suits the user.
Following are some helpful considerations for using the report:
- The report is updated daily. Content can change at any time as students continue to register with Accessibility Service (acquire disability/injury) anytime.
- Exam provisions are approved permanently for the duration of the course or temporary for a specific session/s.
- The report can be run at various intervals such as prior to the start of the session or early in the session to identify and plan for incoming requests.
- The report may be re-run at intervals such as post census date or closer to the exam date, to finalise requests for implementation.
- Additional exam rooms and supervisors can be planned and booked ahead of time, especially for large subjects that will likely have a number of students with exam provisions to implement.
- The report is a great way to go ahead and implement some types of exam provisions such as extra time which is the most common provision required for faculty based exams.
However, student consultation will still be required regarding whether assistants and equipment is needed eg. often laptops are not required for multiple choice or short answer exams.
Scheduling requirements of time between exams is mostly irrelevant for faculty based exams, with the exceptions around morning/afternoon scheduling.
Quality and privacy compliance
- Please be sure to maintain the student's confidentiality, in particular during the implementation of provisions, ensuring communications remain private from their peers.
- Use the bcc email function to communicate exam provision arrangements to multiple students.
- Students with the exam provision – extra time – will need to sit separately to the main class to ensure that a quiet exam environment is maintained. They can share a room with others who have exam provisions.
- Ensure students' exam provision arrangements/details for implementation are confirmed with the student ahead of the exam eg. ideally one week.
- Store and share (rather than email) the exam provision report in a secure location, that can be accessed only by relevant staff organising the provisions. Delete the exam provisions report after use.
Assistance for implementing exam provisions
Academic liaison officers: Your faculty ALO may be able to guide you on arrangements for providing exam provisions specific to your faculty.
Faculty administration: Each faculty has allocated administrative staff who can assist in advising academic staff on arrangements for implementing faculty-based exam provisions, specific to their faculty area eg. booking rooms; prepare exam provision reports. Each faculty's administrative assistance will vary.
LX.lab: Get help moderating quizzes in Canvas and instructions for extra time and changing the date/ start time for online canvas exams. Alternatively, book a consultation via Service Connect with the LX.lab for help eg. Accessibility checks for online exam content.
Accessibility Service: Specific exam provisions can be organised by the Accessibility Service, which include:
- Scribe / reader: allocation of a trained scribe / reader who is also trained as an exam supervisor.
- Assistive technology: can be prepared on a laptop for the student to access for their exam.
- Laptop: supplied with external keyboard and mouse.
- Equipment/furniture: Faculties should be able to provide common furniture such as ergonomic chairs. The Accessibility Service can organise specialised equipment and furniture eg. lamps; height adjustable tables
The Accessibility Service will need faculty confirmation (via email of exam logistics e.g. date, time, location and contact person in faculty at least one week before the exam date.
Faculty administrator – exam provisions
Each faculty has allocated administrative staff who can assist in advising academic staff on arrangements for implementing faculty-based exam provisions, specific to their faculty area. Each faculty’s administrative assistance will vary. Please see contacts below:
Education and International Studies
Wendy Trethewy
Teaching and Learning Support Officer
Lilly Bian
Senior Teaching and Learning Officer
John Brentnall
Senior Teaching and Learning Officer
Krzysztof Komsta
Senior Teaching and Learning Officer
Judith (Judy) Evans
Discipline Group Manager
Stella Ng
Discipline Group Manager
Dawn Lowe
Discipline Group Manager
Andrea Greer
Discipline Group Manager
Sally Browning
Discipline Group Manager
Design, Architecture and Business
Not expecting many but if they do have them subject coordinators arrange themselves.
Engineering and Information Technology
DB - Biomedical Engineering
Kara McCloy
School Academic Officer (Teaching and Learning)
DE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
Van Le
School Academic Officer
DC - Electrical and Data Engineering
Naiyana (Honey) Akkarawongphiphat
School Project Officer
DL - Information, Systems and Modelling
Amanda Gillam
School Project Officer
DM - Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Kara McCloy
School Academic Officer (Teaching and Learning)
DS - Software
Teraesa Ashworth
School Academic Officer (Teaching and Learning)
Elaine Pereira
Administrative Services Manager
Senior Administrative Officer
Senior Academic Programs Officer
Polly Wiltshire
Teaching and Learning Support Officer
Rachel Coventry
Teaching and Learning Support Officer
Maths and Physical Sciences
Rebecca Leung
Teaching and Learning Officer
School of Life Sciences
Kristine Hardman
Teaching and Learning Officer
Graduate School of Health
Maria Longo
Clinical Placement Coordinator
Munmun Notra
Student Engagement Coordinator
Angela McGuinness
Academic Services Manager
Exam provision categories and descriptions
Extra time
This is displayed as minutes per hour eg. Exam Provision/Extra Time/Extra Time - 10 mins/hr.
This amount of time is added to the scheduled exam duration on a pro-rata basis, rounded up to the nearest half hour. The minimum amount of extra time applied to exams scheduled for less than 30 minutes is 5 minutes.
Implementation - Extra time
On-campus exam: Extra time is adjusted and confirmed with the student. Students with extra time will need to sit separately to the main class to ensure that a quiet exam environment is maintained. They can share a room with others who have exam provisions.
Online exams in canvas: These can be adjusted using information for moderating quizzes in Canvas and instructions for extra time and changing the date / start time
Take-home exams (scheduled for less than 48 hours): Extra time is implemented as follows.
50% adjustment applied to extra time of 5-30 minutes per hour:
- 3-hour window is extended to 4.5 hours
- 6-hour window is extended to 9 hours
- 12-hour window is extended to 24 hours (the 12-hour window has been extended to 24 hours instead of 18 hours to account for exams that may extend into the evening)
- 24-hour window is extended to 36 hours
100% adjustment applied to extra time of 35-60 minutes per hour:
- 3-hour window is extended to 6 hours
- 6-hour window is extended to 12 hours
- 12-hour window is extended to 24 hours
- 24-hour window is extended to 48 hours
Accessibility Assistant: A trained Accessibility Assistant undertakes approved tasks.
Scribe: A trained scribe writes verbatim as instructed by the student.
Reader: A trained reader reads exam paper content only as instructed by the student. Explanation or clarification is not permitted.
Implementation - Assistants
On campus: Assistants are trained and allocated by Accessibility Service. Scribes and readers are also trained as exam supervisors. A separate room is required so others are not disrupted. The Accessibility Service will need faculty confirmation (via email of exam logistics e.g. date, time, location and contact person in faculty, at least one week prior to the exam date.
Online: Students may use additional extra time in lieu of their scribe / reader, which is set at 20 minutes per hour. This is in addition to the extra time provision amount of time. The Accessibility Consultant can assist with confirming this option, liaising with the student and subject coordinator.
Scribe / reader may not be required by some students for exam formats such as multiple choice / short answer and short quizzes. This can be confirmed by Accessibility Service.
One exam per calendar day: Only one exam will be scheduled on the same calendar date.
Hours between exams: Exams will be scheduled at least X hours apart, calculated from the start time of the exams. Exceptions may apply for take home exams.
No afternoon exams: Exams will have a start time prior to 12pm.
No morning exams: Exams will have a start time from 12 midday.
No evening exams: Exams will have a start time prior to 4pm.
No weekend exams: Exams will not be scheduled on the weekend.
Implementation- Scheduling
On campus: Scheduling exam provisions are most applicable to the centrally conducted examination period, for most students. It’s best to check case by case for applicability to faculty based exams as no morning / afternoon exam provisions may require implementation, particularly if it is a significantly weighted exam / exam time. Updated exam details should be confirmed with the student one week prior.
Online exams in canvas: Can be adjusted using information for moderating quizzes in Canvas and instructions for changing the date / start time
Room Requirements
Separate room (single use): Student allocated a separate room (not shared with other students)
Exam located close to bathroom: Exam is located on the same floor as a bathroom.
Exam located close to accessible bathroom: Exam is located on the same floor as a bathroom. No stairs are between the exam room and accessible bathroom.
Natural light: Student allocated a room with windows to provide natural light.
Implementation - Room Requirement
On campus: Room bookings or liaising with your faculty administrative exam provisions contacts can assist to arrange additional room. Accessible bathroom locations can be found at Campus maps
Online: Students will set up their own room requirements.
- Ergonomic chair with armrests
- Ergonomic chair without armrests
- Lamp (supplied by Accessibility Service)
- Headphones (supplied by student)
- Adjustable table (supplied by Accessibility Service)
- Slope table (supplied by Accessibility Service)
- Foot rest (supplied by Accessibility Service)
- Yoga mat (supplied by Accessibility Service)
Implementation - Equipment
On campus: Faculties should be able to provide common furniture such as ergonomic chairs. The Accessibility Service can organise specialised equipment and furniture. The Accessibility Service will need faculty confirmation (via email of exam logistics e.g. date, time, location and contact person in faculty, at least one week before the exam date.
Online: Students will supply their own equipment.
Assistive technology
Students may require the following to access exam content:
- Screen readers and magnification such as JAWS, NVDA, Zoomtext, including headphones supplied by student.
- Text to speech such as Dragon, including headset supplied by student.
- Read and Write, Grammarly, MS or Mac Accessibility features, including headphones supplied by student.
- Laptop: PC or Mac computer including external keyboard and mouse.
- Monitor
Implementation - Assistive technology
On campus: The Accessibility Service can arrange software and hardware and will need faculty confirmation (via email of exam logistics e.g. date, time, location and contact person in faculty, at least one week before the exam date.
Online: Students will supply their own assistive technology software and hardware.
Accessible Formats
- Paper in accessible PDF (PDF text not image): Exam paper will be provided in a digital soft copy as a pdf text document
- Font size; style; colour
- Answer booklet enlargement / paper colour
- Unable to access Multiple choice answer sheets: Student will write multiple choice responses on exam paper.
- Notes permitted: Student is permitted to bring approved notes to exam. Notes will be approved in consultation with subject coordinator for each exam.
- Split exam: Exams split into multiple sittings. The division of the paper and time will be confirmed in consultation with the subject coordinator and student for each exam.
Implementation – Accessible formats
On campus: Exam paper is re-formatted according to the requirements. Assistance can be provided by Accessibility Service.
Online: LX.lab consultation can be booked via Service Connect for assistance and to undertake an accessibility check for online exam content.
Accessibility Consultants will liaise with the Subject Coordinator and student to confirm details for split exam and notes permitted.
Accessibility information
Move around/stretch: Student may walk and stretch at the back of the exam room. Best to be seated at the back of the exam room.
Water/food/medications: Student can bring own water, snack foods and medication. Food must not be in noisy packaging or have strong aromas.
Breaks during exams outside exam room: Student may take supervised breaks outside of exam room (corridor). Exam time continues throughout break.
Frequent bathroom breaks: Student may take frequent bathroom breaks. Exam time continues throughout break.
Diabetes: Information provided to the Exam Supervisors: Diabetes. Student monitors via device or App, set to flight mode.
Epilepsy: Information provided to the Exam Supervisors: Epilepsy
Hearing / Deaf: Information provided to the Exam Supervisors: Hearing / Deaf
Mobility: Information provided to the Exam Supervisors: Mobility
Panic Attacks: Information provided to the Exam Supervisors: Panic attacks
Seating location: Information provided to the Exam Supervisors: Seating location student to be seated* front/back of room/near the door
Visions / Blind: Information provided to Exam Supervisors: Vision/Blind
Wheelchair user: Information provided to Exam Supervisors: Wheelchair user
Implementation – Accessibility information
On campus: Information is supplied to exam supervisors so they have required background information to assist and respond to student throughout exam. If there are any first aid or medical situations that occur, the usual process to contact Security should be followed.
Online: Students will arrange their requirements and support.