The lifts across campus have accessibility features that include audio announcements and visual lighting within the lift to identify the floor being served.
The following information may assist in accessing the lifts in the Tower Building:
- When you enter the Tower Building from street level (15 Broadway), you arrive on Level 4.
- There are 6 lifts that service the Tower Building and these are all located in a corridor in the centre of the building.
Lifts A, B, C and D are located on one side of the corridor, and Lifts E and F are located on the other side of the corridor.
Please note:
- Only two lifts access Level 3 – Lift B and Lift F.
- Only four lifts access Level 5 – Lift B and C are on one side of the corridor, and Lift E and F are on the other side of the corridor.
Lift touchpads
The lifts in the Tower Building do not have buttons inside each lift indicating individual floor numbers. Instead, the lifts operate from a destination allocation system, which is coordinated by touchpads located near the lifts on each floor.
These touchpads have a touch screen that is approximately 15cm by 9cm (height x width) and are located approximately 120 cm high from the ground.
Each floor has at least three touchpads. There is always at least one touchpad at each end of the corridor of lifts, and one in the middle of the corridor between lifts B & C.
The touchpads are either free standing, or are mounted onto the wall. If wall mounted, the touchpad at each end of the corridor will be mounted near the corner of the wall. In the middle of the corridor, the touchpad will be mounted between lift B & C.
On the ground floor (Level 4), there is a free standing touchpad approximately 120cm high located directly to the left of the Concierge desk as you approach the corridor of lifts.
To use the touchpad
On the touchpad, individual floor numbers are displayed in 3 rows of 3, or 4 rows of 3.
Below these numbers there is also a rectangular display that reads 4 – Main Lobby and below that are another two displays, which read 'Lower Floors' or 'Upper Floors'.
Press the number of the floor you would like to go to.
If your floor number does not appear, use the 'Lower Floors' and 'Upper Floors' buttons to navigate to the right floor number.
Once pressed, an audio announcement will indicate the Lift (Car) that has been allocated. For example 'Car D'. Lights will also flash at the top of the allocated lift i.e. the letter D will flash at Lift D.
Accessible features
The raised button at the top of the touchpad has braille. When the button is pressed it triggers the following additional functionality:
- The touchpad will commence an audio announcement of the building levels, one by one, commencing with Level 27 and descending down the building to Level 2.
- When your destination floor is announced, press the button again.
- Audio advice on which lift has been allocated is then announced at the touchpad e.g. 'Car C'.
- An audio function is also triggered at the designated lift. A bell tone will sound at the allocated lift, and the Letter of the allocated lift will also be said aloud e.g. 'Car C'. The audio also notes when the doors open and close.
- Additional time is allocated to get to the lift and the lift doors are held open longer to give the passenger time to enter the lift.
- You can also use the assistance button with the audio and the touchpad simultaneously to select your floor, to receive the function of additional time to get to the lift and to slow the speed of the lift doors.
Inside the lift
- On the edge of each side of the doorframe (near the top), there is a black rectangular panel approximately 28cm by 6cm. The floor numbers at which the lift will stop are displayed in red on each of these panels.
- Audio announcements within the lift identify the floor being served. The floor number being served will also flash on the black display panel.
- The only buttons in the lift are (from top to bottom): Doors Open Button, Doors Closed Button and the Emergency Telephone Button which are located midway up the edge of the lift wall, on the left hand side of the lift as you enter. Instructions for the Emergency Telephone Button read, 'Press button for 5 seconds and await reply'.