Our Students
Our postgraduate students contribute to the dynamic and vibrant research culture of UTS Law. If you are interested in applying to join our HDR Program, please read through our How to Apply page.

Thalia Anthony: I think that students should undertake a PhD for the same reason which inspired me to do a PhD, which is that it enables you to look at things from every perspective and to really unpack something in a way that is meaningful and original.
Laurie Berg: Research is a really creative process, so it’s exciting to not know where it’s going to lead you.
Genevieve Wilkinson: And the answer might not be exactly what you think it will be, but it’s a fascinating process to undertake.
Anais Tobalagba: One of the main wins, when you do research, is when you have a question in your head and you can’t find the answer. So, you’re looking everywhere, you’re reading, and you can’t find anything, and then all of a sudden you find an article or a book that answers all of your questions. [laughs] And it’s just like a magical moment when you’re like, ‘Yes! Finally! It worked!’
Past Students
Browse the diversity of topics researched by our past students, across a breadth of research areas including criminal law, international and human rights law, intellectual property, legal history, privacy and refugee law.