UTS has a proud tradition at the forefront of sustainability research – delivering insights, solutions and technology around environmental science, climate change, green energy, clean water and public policy.
Sustainability research news and projects
Coral connections
While the task of maintaining and restoring the health of the Reef is a huge shared responsibility, one initiative shows what can be achieved when stakeholders work together.
Harnessing the power of human waste
Eureka Award-winning scientist Qilin Wang is working on technology that could turn wastewater treatment plants into carbon-neutral energy generators.
UTS races towards more sustainable energy
A super-charged research partnership will power new technologies to reduce emissions, improve reliability and reduce energy bills for Australian households and businesses.

Connect with our sustainability research centres
Leading sustainability experts
Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Climate Change Cluster
Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences
Director, Climate Change Cluster
Professor, School of Design
Distinguished Professor, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures
Deputy Director, EngagementInstitute for Sustainable Futures
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering