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The inaugural UTS Alumni Forum was held in September 2023.

A diverse group of UTS Ambassadors came together to provide thought leadership on the future of ageing in place, in conjunction with the UTS Ageing Research Collaborative (UARC) and Institute of Sustainable Futures (ISF).

Prior to the Forum, alumni were provided with Background Materials developed by UARC, which introduced the core problem – care for ageing Australians is unsustainable in its current form and will become an even bigger challenge in the years to come.

Expertly guided by academics from UARC and ISF, alumni explored current challenges around ageing in Australia, emerging innovations, and visions for the future – including a world where older people are empowered, connected and valued.

Forum outcomes are being communicated to global alumni through Re-Branding Ageing, with great thanks to our UTS Ambassadors.

Image of people gathered around a table discussing issues at hand
Image of 4 women smiling at the camera
man in blue shirt smiling at his colleagues