

Midwives work in partnership with each woman to give the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the post-partum period. Studying a Bachelor of Midwifery or, if you are already a nurse, a Graduate Diploma in Midwifery will result in a career as a registered midwife (with our graduates having 97% employment, 2014 Australian Graduate Survey.

Bachelors Degree ATAR2017 ATAR cut-off for domestic applicants. The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank is the measure of a student's overall academic achievement in the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) relative to other students. Different entry requirements apply to international applicants and mature aged and non-school leaver applicants. For further details, see the 'How to apply' tab for your course. Location
Bachelor of Midwifery

View ATAR scores

99.5 (Advanced Materials and Data Science)
95.04 (Environmental Biotechnology)
96.05 (Infection and Immunity)
96.20 (Pre-Medicine)

City campus
Bachelor's Honours ATAR2017 ATAR cut-off for domestic applicants. The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank is the measure of a student's overall academic achievement in the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) relative to other students. Different entry requirements apply to international applicants and mature aged and non-school leaver applicants. For further details, see the 'How to apply' tab for your course. Location
Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) N/A City campus
Master's Coursework Location
Master of Midwifery City campus
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  {% block content %}
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    <p>Midwives work in partnership with each woman to give the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the post-partum period. Studying a <a hre="#">Bachelor of Midwifery</a> or, if you are already a nurse, a <a hre="#">Graduate Diploma</a> in Midwifery will result in a career as a registered midwife (with our graduates having 97% employment, <a hre="#">2014 Australian Graduate Survey</a>.</p>

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      <div class="tab-bar__tab-wrapper">
        <ul class="tab-bar__list">
            <a href="#midwifery-tab-1" class="tab-bar__tab">
              <div class="tab-bar__tab-title"><span>Undergraduate</span> (3)</div>
              <div class="tab-bar__tab-description">I'm studying for the first time</div>
            <a href="#midwifery-tab-2" class="tab-bar__tab">
              <div class="tab-bar__tab-title"><span>Postgraduate</span> (4)</div>
              <div class="tab-bar__tab-description">I already have a degree</div>

      <section class="tab-bar__panel" id="midwifery-tab-1">
        <div class="table__stretch-wrapper">
              <th>Bachelors Degree</th>
              <th><span class="tooltip__anchor">ATAR<span class="tooltip">2017 ATAR cut-off for domestic applicants. The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank is the measure of a student's overall academic achievement in the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) relative to other students. Different entry requirements apply to international applicants and mature aged and non-school leaver applicants. For further details, see the 'How to apply' tab for your course.</span></span></th>
              <td class="table--enlarged">
                <a href="#">Bachelor of Midwifery</a>
              <td class="table--cell-width-s">
                {% include '@uts_theme/components/collapsible/collapsible-minimal.twig' %}
              <td class="table--cell-width-m">
                City campus
              <th>Bachelor's Honours</th>
              <th><span class="tooltip__anchor">ATAR<span class="tooltip">2017 ATAR cut-off for domestic applicants. The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank is the measure of a student's overall academic achievement in the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) relative to other students. Different entry requirements apply to international applicants and mature aged and non-school leaver applicants. For further details, see the 'How to apply' tab for your course.</span></span></th>
              <td class="table--enlarged">
                <a href="#">Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours)</a>
              <td class="table--cell-width-s">
              <td class="table--cell-width-m">
                City campus

      <section class="tab-bar__panel" id="midwifery-tab-2">
        <div class="table__stretch-wrapper">
              <th>Master's Coursework</th>
              <td class="table--enlarged">
                <a href="#">Master of Midwifery</a>
              <td class="table--cell-width-m">
                City campus
  {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

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