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    <h1 class="news__title">Why Airtasker can’t guarantee a ‘minimum wage’</h1>
    <time class="news__date" datetime="2017-05-20">3 April, 2017</time>
    <div class="intro">
      <p>The agreement between UnionsNSW and gig economy platform Airtasker
        doesn’t go far enough to ensure minimum wages or working conditions.
        Airtasker isn’t setting a minimum wage or working conditions on its
        platform. Rather, it is “recommending” them to users.</p>
    <p><img src="/themes/uts_theme/src/templates/news-example.png"></p>
    <p>Airtasker is an online marketplace where users post tasks - like
      building Ikea shelves or handing out leaflets, and other users bid to do
      the work. Under the agreement, all recommended rates of pay on Airtasker
      will be above the comparative award rates. In response to our questions,
      Airtasker CEO Tim Fung said:</p>
      <p>We don’t enforce or restrict the price of tasks. In any case, given
        the diversity of jobs on the platform and the fact that the vast
        majority of jobs created are new categories (not just traditional
        jobs) this would not be possible. That said, education in relation to
        what’s a "fair amount” to pay is great for our community.</p>
    <p>Airtasker will also introduce a dispute resolution process that is
      overseen by the Fair Work Commission, a personal insurance policy for
      those accepting work through the platform, and will work with Unions NSW
      to ensure "best practice workplace health and safety standards in place
      to protect workers and consumers using the platform”.</p>
    <h3>Implementation challenges</h3>
    <p>Airtasker’s business model is based on workers “bidding” for work. As
      they can only “win” a job by submitting the lowest bid, workers are
      pitted against each other in a reverse auction. This system seems
      directly opposed to creating a minimum wage.</p>
    <p>Tellingly, the headline on the Task Price Guide on Airtasker’s website
      states: “Wondering what it will cost to get your task done? There’s no
      right or wrong answer”. The strongest wording on rates says: “As a
      guide, we’ve listed out below approximate hourly rates for a range of
      task types”.</p>
    <p>This could be viewed as an example of “all care but no responsibility”,
      and may in fact explain why it was prepared to agree to the Unions NSW
    <p>In the ongoing Senate Inquiry into Corporate Avoidance of the Fair Work
      Act, Airtasker’s CEO Tim Fung explained that the platform operated on
      the basis that those who accept work through its platform (“bidders”)
      engage in “independent contracting” for the person who posted the job
      through Airtasker.</p>
    <p>As in many other places in the gig economy it is in the classification
      of “independent contractor” that the devil lies. Independent contractors
      aren’t employees, and so do not have a minimum wage or many of the other
      benefits of being an employee.</p>
    <p>So it is not Airtasker that is “paying” the wages, or providing the
      workplace, to those that find work through its platform. It might
      “recommend” pay rates that are above the award wage in its price guide,
      but Airtasker’s very model means it cannot ensure those rates are
    <p>The voluntary nature of the agreement will make it hard to enforce,
      perhaps undermining the efforts of Unions NSW to improve conditions for
      those working in non-standard employment.</p>
    <h3>Work standards for a new economy</h3>
    <p>How to respond to work in the new economy is a question that the labour
      movement is yet to resolve, though the Unions NSW/Airtasker deal at
      least marks an interesting attempt.</p>
    <p>Information from the actual workers is often key to detecting
      non-compliance with labour standards. That highlights a significant
      question for unions – in a regulatory system which has not kept pace
      with changes in the labour market, and at a time of declining
      membership, how do they improve or simply maintain fair labour
    <p>While Unions NSW has been proactive in pursuing an agreement, in an
      effort to maintain relevance in the digital economy, the lack of union
      members in sectors such as the gig economy is an impediment as
      information from the “shop floor” is often key to detecting
      non-compliance with labour standards and the basis for pursuing
    <p>Another issue is determining desired outcomes. Similar attempts to lift
      conditions in the gig economy have failed elsewhere. In the US, the
      Service Employees International Union (SEIU) attempted a similar
      arrangement with Airbnb. The deal would have seen Airbnb hosts
      encouraged, but not mandated, to pay cleaners a minimum rate.</p>
    <p>The SEIU deal fell apart after other unions opposed it. They were
      worried about legitimising the Airbnb business model and making housing
      more unaffordable.</p>
    <p>But in the end it comes back to the platforms themselves. The question
      for Airtasker, Airbnb or any other platform is; if they are serious
      about improving the wages and conditions of the workers who use their
      platforms (and who are the source of their revenue), why don’t they
      monitor users/hosts/consumers and exclude those who refuse to offer at
      least the minimum rates or conditions? The voluntary nature of the
      agreement will make it hard to enforce, perhaps undermining the efforts
      of Unions NSW to improve conditions for those working in non-standard
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