8.14 Testimonial List View in a new window

{% include '@uts_theme/containers/header/header.twig' %}

{% include 'breadcrumb-inc.twig' %}

{% include '@uts_theme/components/banner/banner-testimonials.twig' %}

{% embed '@uts_theme/containers/sidebars/sidebar-a.twig' %}
  {% block sidebar %}
    {% include '@uts_theme/components/sidebar/sidebar-health.twig' %}
  {% endblock %}
  {% block main %}
    <ul class="flex-tile flex-tile--2x">
      <li class="flex-tile__item">
        {% include '@uts_theme/components/testimonial/testimonial.twig' with { name: 'Katie Hindmarsh', image: 'katie-hindmarsh.jpg' } %}
      <li class="flex-tile__item">
        {% include '@uts_theme/components/testimonial/testimonial.twig' with { name: 'Lucy Huang', image: 'lucy-huang.jpg' } %}
      <li class="flex-tile__item">
        {% include '@uts_theme/components/testimonial/testimonial.twig' with { name: 'Amanda Rehayem', image: 'amanda-rehayem.jpg' } %}
      <li class="flex-tile__item">
        {% include '@uts_theme/components/testimonial/testimonial.twig' with { name: 'Belinda Kerr', image: 'belinda-kerr.jpg' } %}
      <li class="flex-tile__item">
        {% include '@uts_theme/components/testimonial/testimonial.twig' with { name: 'Alanna Edwards', image: 'alanna-edwards.jpg' } %}
      <li class="flex-tile__item">
        {% include '@uts_theme/components/testimonial/testimonial.twig' with { name: 'Judy Ungar', image: 'judy-ungar.jpg' } %}
      <li class="flex-tile__item">
        {% include '@uts_theme/components/testimonial/testimonial.twig' with { name: 'Ali Houze', image: 'ali-houze.jpg' } %}
      <li class="flex-tile__item">
        {% include '@uts_theme/components/testimonial/testimonial.twig' with { name: 'Jodie Kaldor', image: 'jodie-kaldor.jpg' } %}
  {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

{% include '@uts_theme/containers/footer/footer.twig' %}