7.2 Footer View in a new window

The global footer.

Twig: containers/footer/footer.twig

<div class="footer__wrapper">
  <footer class="footer footer-grid__container">
    <div class="footer-grid__row">
      <div class="footer__first footer-grid__col footer-grid--col-4">
        {% include '@uts_theme/components/footer-menu/footer-menu.twig' %}
      <div class="footer__second footer-grid__col footer-grid--col-2">
        <h3 class="footer__title"><a href="#">Contact us</a></h3>
        <p><a href="#">Student inquiries</a></p>
        {% include '@uts_theme/components/footer-social/footer-social.twig' %}
    <div class="footer__third">
      <p>&copy; Copyright UTS - CRICOS Provider No: 00099F - 27 February 2017 12:07 PM. The page is authorised by Director of Student Administration Unit and Director of Student Services Unit</p>