6.14.1 Stacked View in a new window
A simple listing style with each item stacked after each other.
Twig: components/listing/listing-stacked.twig
Women in Engineering and IT hands-on day
Opportunity for female students to participate in a range of engaging, educational and often explosive hands-on activities...
Women in Engineering and IT hands-on day
Opportunity for female students to participate in a range of engaging, educational and often explosive hands-on activities...
Women in Engineering and IT hands-on day
Opportunity for female students to participate in a range of engaging, educational and often explosive hands-on activities...
Women in Engineering and IT hands-on day
Opportunity for female students to participate in a range of engaging, educational and often explosive hands-on activities...
<ul class="listing listing--stacked">
{% include '@uts_theme/components/event/event-teaser.twig' %}
{% include '@uts_theme/components/event/event-teaser.twig' %}
{% include '@uts_theme/components/event/event-teaser.twig' %}
{% include '@uts_theme/components/event/event-teaser.twig' %}