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  • Line graphic of organisational chart

    Use AI to define capabilities, then map your existing staff to desired skills across your organisation. 

  • Line graphic of open book with lightbulb

    Rapidly gain insights into the skills of your workforce at an individual, team and business level.

  • Line graphic of head an shoulders in a circle of other figures

    Map your teams against future work requirements to identify current skill gaps, future skill deficits and internal mobility pathways.

  • Grey block

    Welcome to Future TRACK

Make data driven decisions

Enable leaders to make data-driven decisions on workforce planning, development initiatives and redeployment decisions to:

  1. Lift and build skill capabilities across your organisation

  1. Re-skill existing workers for new roles

  1. Maximise mobility both inside and outside your organisation

  1. Prepare displaced workers for better outplacement outcomes

Identify your skills gap

With Future TRACK you can:  

  1. Use natural language processing to create skills profiles for individuals, teams and business units from CVs or any form of text.
  2. Upload current or future job descriptions, competency frameworks or project requirements to generate the capabilities your employees will need to succeed.
  3. Compare the skills profiles of individuals and teams against emerging jobs and capability frameworks to identify the skills gaps at each level of your business.
  4. Use the data-driven skills gap reports to confidently make decisions about workforce planning, resource allocation, redeployment decisions and development initiatives.

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PLUS UTS: Corporate training

Co-designed training that's purpose built for your organisation.