Prof Yuan Feng received his Bachelor of Science and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Tsinghua University, China in 1999 and 2004, respectively. He is currently a professor at the Centre for Quantum Software and Information (QSI), University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. Before joining UTS in 2009, he was an associate professor at Tsinghua University. His research interests include quantum information and quantum computation, quantum programming theory, and probabilistic systems.
Prof Feng has published more than 70 research papers in international top journals and mainstream conferences. These include eight publications in the prestigious IEEE Transactions journals (five in IEEE-TIT, two in IEEE-TSE, and one in IEEE-TC, all being the pre-eminent journals in their respective areas), five publications in PRL (Physical Review Letters, one of the most prestigious physics journals), four in ACM Transactions journals (three in ACM-TOCL, the pre-eminent journal in computational logic, and one in ACM-TOPLAS, the most prestigious journal in programming theory. TOPLAS only accepts the very best papers of the year, and publishes less than 20 papers each year), one at POPL, the most prestigious international conference in programming language theory, and six at CONCUR, the most prestigious international conference in concurrency theory. He was awarded an ARC (Australian Research Council) Future Fellowship, four Australian Research Council (ARC) discovery grants, and two international research grants over the last 10 years.