There's a lot of concern that there won't be jobs for graduates when they leave its just that there's been a shift in journalism. Employers are now looking for students who are tech savvy who have multimedia skills. We also teach students how to actually go out and sell all those skills to their future employers.
Currently I'm at BuzzFeed as a post writer. I guess my day-to-day is more writing and pitching posts as well as editing videos. Starting at UTS is probably one of the best decisions I had made. From the get-go there are so many incredible opportunities to advance your skills in print, radio and video work.
The biggest skill that I use now in my role at Nine is definitely the writing that I learned while I was at UTS so being able to be succinct and really clear and really straightforward with what I say.
The journalism course at UTS is one of those really really great degrees where you get an opportunity to be hands on with your work from day one. So I remember back in first semester first year I was already out reporting, covering stories, interviewing people which is something that's not found everywhere else.
Central News is designed to replicate any real world newsroom experience, so anything that's produced in central news is the original work of all the students in the journalism program.
We teach not just how to do a web story but audio skills, video skills, podcasting. For central news I learned a lot of different journalism skills. I learned how to find sources which is really useful in my current role, I'm interview producing for the ABC.
It's also helped with my writing skills. The editor would go through my work line by line with me. I've now been doing a bit of freelancing work and so that. Kind of fine tooth comb with my work really helped me yeah to just develop my journalistic skills.
In addition to that there are internships, there are also foreign correspondent study tours.
The foreign correspondents study tour is a study tour that's organized by UTS where you get an opportunity to go overseas for two weeks and learn what it's like to work as a foreign correspondent. So I was lucky enough to go to Bangalore in India where we had an intensive two weeks of reporting, writing and filming our own stories and just learning everything that encompasses what it is to be a foreign correspondent.
I think the fact that the graduates here emerge with multimedia, multi-platform skills is what sets them apart. It means that they're job ready for everything from mainstream media to public service communication, internal communications and I think that those multimedia skills are intrinsically linked to journalism now.