One-to-one consultation

What's involved in one-to-one consultations?
Having a one-to-one consultation (online or on campus) is an opportunity for an in-depth discussion in relation to your specific needs on an assessment.
A 30-minute one-to-one consultation may involve:
- discussing your draft to ensure that you have addressed the assessment criteria
- analysing the structure, argument, style and/or expression of your draft to improve the quality of your writing
- addressing a number of grammar or referencing issues that require assistance
- preparing for an oral presentation.
Click on each question to learn more about HELPS consultation sessions.
Can you edit my assignment?
HELPS Advisors can help edit your assignment WITH you, not FOR you -
We help you to edit for:
- Structure and argument – that your writing is logically organised with well-developed and well-supported arguments.
- Style and expression – that your choice of vocabulary is appropriate, sentences are well constructed, ideas are clearly introduced, and paragraphs are fully developed.
- Grammar – that your issues are identified and explained so you can learn from your mistakes and avoid making them in the future.
It is your responsibility to proofread for mistakes in spelling, punctuation, typing and formatting in your assignment before you submit it to your lecturer.
What CAN'T we do to help during the session?
We are not able to:
- help you with the content of your assignments
- correct or 'check' grammar and spelling --> instead we'll show you how
- proofread or rewrite your draft --> instead we'll show you how
- help you with take-home exams
- provide subject tutoring
- indicate your mark or grade
What to remember when you book a session
When you book to attend, please remember:
- When you have successfully booked into a session, you will receive a confirmation email.
- Due to high demand, these consultations are limited to 30-minutes.
- By 12 midnight the day before the scheduled session, you must upload all the assignment-related materials (your draft, assignment question and marking criteria).
- If your circumstances change and you're no longer available to attend your appointment, please make sure to cancel your booking at least 24 hours beforehand.
- Missed appointments will be considered 'no-shows'.
- Students with two 'no-shows' may still receive assistance on a drop-in basis.
What is the condition of making a booking?
Please note:
- Students can have 1 appointment per week.
- A session must be booked/ cancelled/ entered into the waiting list at least 24 hour before appointment. However, it is possible to book a session within 24 hours if available sessions exist or under extenuating circumstances.
- Students can only be placed in the waiting list for a maximum of 3 sessions for the week. However, it is possible to be placed on more than 3 under extenuating circumstances.
- After 2 no-shows, students are prohibited from making any appointments. This will remain for a period of 2 sessions (current + following session) unless management intervention has been sought.
- Students can have a maximum of 3 appointments in advance. However, each appointment has to be for a different assignment and requires a drop-in session unless extenuating circumstances.
- Students may have a maximum of 2 appointments for one assignment only if a referral was made by a HELPS Advisor following an initial consultation session.
What CAN we do for research students
HELPS focus is the use of language to develop arguments and express ideas clearly, so all feedback for HDR students will target the following areas:
- Written expression
- Punctuation
- Paragraph structure
- Communication with supervisor
- Accessing other support at UTS
HDR candidates can access the support from HELPS in two ways, but will be limited to no more than one consultation per week. This can either be a 30 minute individual consultation where you speak with a HELPS Advisor, or an online writing review where feedback is written on your document and emailed to you. Advisors will provide feedback on a maximum of 2000 words in any single consultation, so candidates need to think carefully about which section of their thesis they would like feedback on for any given consultation.
Advisors will not proofread your thesis to fix grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Instead, they will point out any persistent errors of grammar, punctuation or choice of words, and explain how to address these, as well as highlighting areas where your ideas are not clearly expressed.

HELPS students and learning advisors discuss our one-to-one consultations.